Register Now: Send your video with your name, surname, grade, and email address to
Recitation & Tilawat Categories:
- Group 1: Grade 3, 4, 5 Boys and Girls (Separate)
- Group 2: Grade 6, 7, 8 Boys and Girls (Separate)
Judging Criteria:
- Tajweed (35 Points)
- Makharij (35 Points)
- Magamar (15 Points)
- Clear and fluent reading (15 Points)
Submission Deadline: April 6th, until 5:00 PM EST
- 1st Place – $100 Gift Card
- 2nd Place – $75 Gift Card
- 3rd Place – $50 Gift Card
- First 50 participants receive $10 Gift Cards
Competition Ceremony: Saturday, April 13th, 8:00 PM EST
For more information, visit